Electric Imp today launched a status page, status.electricimp.com, to increase transparency of the performance of imp Services. The central site also allows customers and developers to subscribe to updates on scheduled maintenance and reported incidents.
Screenshot of the new Electric Imp status page
The information provided on the status page is also integrated into the IDE in a menu under the new ‘Status’ link in the Navigation Bar – next to Forums – so you can get updates directly from the IDE. For example, if one of our Services is currently experiencing a partial outage, we will display an amber icon next to Status. If you click Status, a menu will drop down showing which Service(s) are experiencing the outage. You can update the Status menu manually by clicking the circular arrow refresh icon, or you can click on an item in the menu to go to the status page for more information.
Screenshot of an example of the Status menu available in the IDE
Messages will also be posted in the IDE when Electric Imp provides updates for scheduled maintenance or a reported incident. In fact, please note that we have scheduled maintenance planned for Thursday, August 21, 2014 at 16:00 UTC, so the next time you visit the IDE you will receive this message.
Screenshot of status notifications in the IDE
Finally, status.electricimp.com is integrated into our @impstatus Twitter account so you can continue to follow imp status via Twitter too.
Log in to the updated IDE here.
David Kurtz
Frontend Developer